Fun Automation for HVAC Educators

Presented by:   Greg Jourdan    Robert Nirenberg   

Monday, March 25 from 10:30 AM until 11:45 AM, Napa CD

Join us for an engaging and hands-on workshop designed to empower educators and technology enthusiasts with practical insights into HVAC automation and control systems. This interactive presentation promises to be a refreshing departure from conventional seminars, avoiding the monotony of traditional presentations and focusing on experiential learning. Topics will include simple home HVAC automation interfacing, IP thermostat/router addressing, smart phone apps to talk to equipment and ductless heat pumps, using and/or building miniature scaled simulators, electronic expansion valve systems, and programming and building graphics for HVACR DDC/BAS controls. Attendees will take away new ideas for their labs, obtain vendor resources, and learn how to build lab exercises to improve their classroom activities and engage students to be inquisitive while being on the leading edge of technology.